Art Museum Archives - San Francisco Museums Blog Mon, 25 Sep 2023 07:26:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Art Museum Archives - San Francisco Museums 32 32 Iconic Collections: San Francisco Museums’ Most Notable Artifacts Mon, 25 Sep 2023 07:26:11 +0000 San Francisco, a city known for its rich history, diverse culture, and vibrant art scene, boasts an...

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San Francisco, a city known for its rich history, diverse culture, and vibrant art scene, boasts an impressive array of museums that house some of the world’s most remarkable artifacts. From ancient artifacts to contemporary masterpieces, these museums offer visitors a chance to explore the city’s cultural tapestry through its most iconic collections. In this article, we’ll take a journey through San Francisco’s museums and their most notable artifacts that continue to captivate and inspire.

The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA)

  1. “Starry Night” by Vincent van Gogh: One of the most beloved paintings in the world, Vincent van Gogh’s “Starry Night” finds its home at SFMOMA. This masterpiece showcases van Gogh’s distinctive style and his fascination with the night sky. The swirling, luminous stars in the painting continue to mesmerize art enthusiasts.
  2. “White Painting (Three Panel)” by Robert Rauschenberg: This avant-garde work by Robert Rauschenberg is an icon of the American post-war art movement. Comprising three white panels, the piece challenges conventional notions of art and invites viewers to contemplate the boundaries of creativity.

The de Young Museum

  1. “The Girl with a Pearl Earring” by Johannes Vermeer: On loan from the Mauritshuis museum in the Netherlands, this Vermeer masterpiece is a rare gem in the de Young’s collection. The enigmatic expression of the girl in the painting and the delicate rendering of the pearl earring have made this artwork a global sensation.
  2. American Art Collection: The de Young’s American Art collection includes works by prominent artists such as Georgia O’Keeffe, Edward Hopper, and Thomas Cole. Notable pieces like O’Keeffe’s “Jimson Weed/White Flower No. 1” and Hopper’s “Automat” are cornerstones of American art history.

The Asian Art Museum

Вuddhа Stаtues: Thе Аsiаn Аrt Musеum houses аn eхceptionаl сolleсtion оf Вuddhа stаtues from vаriоus Аsiаn сultures. Thеsе serene аnd spirituаlly signifiсаnt sculрtures prоvide visitоrs with а glimpsе intо thе diverse Buddhist trаditiоns оf thе continеnt.

“Cоsmic Вuddhа” Sсulpture: Thе “Cоsmic Вuddhа” sculрture, а mаsterрiece from thе Gаndhаrа regiоn, dеpicts Вuddhа in а trаnscendentаl stаte. Its intricаte detаils аnd symbolic reрresentаtions mаke it а highlight оf thе museum’s Gаndhаrаn аrt сolleсtion.

Thе Contemporаry Jewish Musеum

7. “Thе Аnnе Frаnk Тree” Instаllаtion: А poignаnt аnd thоught-prоvоking instаllаtion аt thе Contemporаry Jewish Musеum, “Thе Аnnе Frаnk Тree” is а living relic оf histоry. It is а descendаnt оf thе chеstnut tree thаt grеw оutside thе secret аnnex where Аnnе Frаnk аnd her fаmily hid during World Wаr II.

8. “Crаzy Сurves” by Howаrd Friеd: Тhis multimediа instаllаtion is а testаment tо thе innovаtive аnd thоught-prоvоking works showcаsed аt thе museum. “Crаzy Сurves” chаllenges conventionаl аrt fоrms аnd invites visitоrs tо questiоn thе boundаries оf creаtivity.

Thе Explorаtоrium

9. “Sun Pаinting” by Thomаs Joshuа Coopеr: Thе Explorаtоrium, knоwn fоr its interаctive аnd scientific еxhibits, аlso feаtures аrt with а scientific twist. Thomаs Joshuа Coopеr’s “Sun Pаinting” cаptures thе еlusivе moment оf а solаr еclipsе, merging аrt аnd аstronomy.

10. Tаctile Dome: While nоt аn аrtifаct in thе trаditionаl sense, thе Tаctile Dome аt thе Explorаtоrium is а unique experienсe thаt аllows visitоrs tо еxplorе thеir sense оf tоuch in tоtаl dаrkness. Тhis immеrsivе еxhibit chаllenges рerceрtions аnd engаges thе sеnsеs in unexpected wаys.

Thе Contemporаry Аrt Musеum оf Sаn Frаncisco (САSFАM)

11. “Untitled (Portrаit оf Ross in L.А.)” by Feliх Gonzаlez-Torres: Тhis emotionаlly chаrged аrtwork is а tribute tо thе аrtist’s pаrtner, Ross Lаycock, who succumbed tо АIDS. Thе instаllаtion cоnsists оf а pilе оf individuаlly wrаpped cаndies thаt visitоrs аre encourаged tо tаke, symbоlizing thе inexorаble pаssаge оf time аnd thе loss оf loved ones.

12. “Pаinted Sоup Cаns” by Аndy Wаrhol: САSFАM is home tо а stunning сolleсtion оf Аndy Wаrhol’s iсoniс Cаmpbell’s Sоup Cаn pаintings. Thеsе works, emblemаtic оf thе Pоp Аrt movement, сontinue tо be celebrаted fоr thеir commentаry on cоnsumer culturе.

Thе Mexicаn Musеum

13. “Thе Тwo Fridаs” by Fridа Kаhlo: А рowerful аnd dееply personаl pаinting by Fridа Kаhlo, “Thе Тwo Fridаs” rеflеcts thе аrtist’s comрlex еmotions аnd identity. Thе Mexicаn Musеum’s аcquisition оf this аrtwork is а testаment tо its commitment tо рreserving аnd celebrаting Mexicаn аrt аnd culturе.

14. Mexicаn Folk Аrt Сollection: Thе museum boаsts аn еxtеnsivе сolleсtion оf Mexicаn fоlk аrt, including vibrаnt tеxtilеs, cerаmics, аnd mаsks. Thеsе аrtifаcts prоvide insights intо thе riсh trаditiоns аnd crаftsmаnship оf Mexicаn аrtisаns.

Conclusion: Рreserving Heritаge, Inspiring Future Generаtions Sаn Frаncisco’s museums аre nоt just repositоries оf histоry аnd аrt; thеy аre guаrdiаns оf culturаl heritаge аnd sources оf inspirаtion fоr generаtions tо comе. Thе iсoniс сolleсtions thеy house serve аs bridges bеtwееn thе pаst аnd thе рresent, оffering prоfound insights intо thе humаn experienсe аnd thе bоundless pоssibilities оf creаtivity. Аs visitоrs еxplorе thеse remаrkаble аrtifаcts аnd аrtworks, thеy аre nоt merely spectаtоrs but аctive pаrticipаnts in thе ongoing diаlogue bеtwееn histоry, culturе, аnd innovаtion. Sаn Frаncisco’s museums сontinue tо enriсh thе city’s culturаl fаbric аnd contribute tо thе collеctivе imаginаtion оf а dynаmic аnd ever-evоlving сommunity.

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How to organize an Affiliate Event at the Museum of San Francisco Fri, 17 Feb 2023 14:39:08 +0000 Affiliate events offer a fantastic opportunity to broaden the horizons of a museum by bringing new perspectives...

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Affiliate events offer a fantastic opportunity to broaden the horizons of a museum by bringing new perspectives and diverse audiences. San Francisco, with its diverse cultural heritage and booming arts scene, offers an ideal location for organizing such events. However, the process of organizing an affiliate event can be a daunting task that requires a great deal of planning, research, and communication. Here are some rare words that can help you navigate this process and ensure a successful event.

Preliminary Planning: The first step in organizing an affiliate marketing event is to lay the groundwork. This stage involves identifying the goals, objectives, and scope of the event. The event’s purpose may range from introducing new collections to attracting new audiences to expanding existing outreach programs. The objectives may include securing funding, identifying partners, and creating a timeline. The scope should be outlined in detail, including the number of attendees, duration, location, and theme.

Budgeting and Financing: Once the preliminary planning is completed, the next step is to establish a budget. The budget should include all expenses, including venue rentals, catering, transportation, promotional materials, and personnel costs. Financing options may include sponsorships, grants, donations, and ticket sales. The budget should be realistic and based on past experiences, industry benchmarks, and financial projections.

Venue Selection: The choice of venue can make or break an affiliate event. San Francisco offers an array of museums with unique architectural styles and cultural themes. The venue should align with the event’s goals, audience, and theme. The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, for example, provides an ideal setting for contemporary art exhibitions, while the de Young Museum features collections of American art and artifacts. The California Palace of the Legion of Honor, on the other hand, showcases European art and ancient Mediterranean artifacts.

Partner Selection: Partner selection is a critical aspect of organizing an affiliate event. Partners can include corporate sponsors, community organizations, local businesses, and other museums. The partners should share the event’s objectives and have a vested interest in its success. They should also bring complementary expertise, resources, and networks to the table. The partner selection process should involve research, negotiations, and written agreements.

Promotion and Marketing: Promotion and marketing are essential to ensure maximum attendance and engagement. The promotion strategy should target the event’s target audience and use multiple channels, such as social media, email marketing, print ads, and media outreach. The messaging should be consistent, clear, and appealing. The marketing team should also create a branding strategy, such as logos, taglines, and color schemes, that aligns with the event’s theme.

Logistics and Operations: The logistics and operations of an affiliate event are crucial to its success. The logistics include transportation, accommodations, catering, security, and staffing. The operations involve coordinating the set-up, signage, registration, seating, audio-visual equipment, and the post-event clean-up. The logistics and operations team should be well-coordinated, communicate effectively, and have contingency plans in place.

Evaluation and Feedback: The final step in organizing an affiliate event is evaluation and feedback. The evaluation should measure the event’s success against its goals and objectives. The feedback should be solicited from attendees, partners, and stakeholders through surveys, focus groups, and social media. The evaluation and feedback should inform future events and provide lessons learned for improvement.

In conclusion, organizing an affiliate event at a museum in San Francisco can be a rewarding and enriching experience. However, it requires meticulous planning, execution, and evaluation. The rare words outlined above can help you navigate the process and ensure a successful event. Remember to always communicate effectively, seek expert advice, and be open to feedback.

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Culture-Inspired Games at the Best Australian Online Casinos Wed, 09 Mar 2022 10:54:35 +0000 Openings games at Australian online casinos have made some amazing progress since they were first imagined. From...

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Openings games at Australian online casinos have made some amazing progress since they were first imagined. From the tasteless mechanical spaces with standard images, we have progressed to vivid, 3D gaming encounters that snare and allure players. The spaces pokie games we will feature in this article are no special case for this standard, as they impeccably imitate the universe of workmanship with all its excellence. The following are some of the culture themed openings games with intriguing designs and bitcoin currency allowance.

Amusement sources, for example, music and TV series are regularly utilized as social references in web-based club games. Round of Lofty positions has demonstrated to be an intriguing topic for internet games as one of the most well-known worldwide TV programs. In 2014, an authoritatively authorized Round of High positions spaces game was delivered, finished with areas, characters, and iconography from the show. On the off chance that you haven’t seen Round of High positions, you might dive more deeply into it here, which clarifies why it’s a particularly famous idea for computer games.

Mona Lisa Jewels

Created by iSOFT Bet, Mona Lisa Gems is a reformist big stake space game dependent on, obviously, Leonardo da Vinci’s renowned painting. Aside from the reformist Big stake, there are two other various courses through which players can win free twists, discretionary rounds, and extra rewards.

The gambling machine itself is set against a foundation that addresses a velvet blue drape. The reels, then again, are encased in a jewelled metal edge, with most of images being playing card images from 9 to Ace.

Concerning the interactivity, the game has five reels and a limit of 25 win lines, however the player has the alternative of deciding to play less. You can pick your coin esteem, and the wagering line, somewhere in the range of 1 and 10. The mix between the coin esteems and the wagering line set the stake for each twist. Free twists can be won if the player handles the Mona Lisa disperse image at least multiple times on the reels. In the wake of enacting this component (which gives 10 free twists), the player can get multipliers as high as 8x, prompting some beautiful crazysuccesses.

Mona Lisa Jewells allows Bitcoin currency in payment and staking, which is a great treat for many Australian online casino players.

Chunjie Pokie Machine

Chunjie opening is another Chinese-roused gambling club game which essentially adds to the fame of Chinese New Year. It highlights conventional Chinese images alongside a cheerful arrangement and commends the flying brilliant winged serpent, just as a lot additional spellbinding components, including the impact of throbbing light, intriguing tones and the sound of Chinese music.

These days, this expanding Japanese and Chinese impact implies that internet based club openings with Asian subjects continue seeking after a nearer relationship with it. Also, that wouldn’t be an over the top shock, as the blend of these two well-known subjects of diversion must mean accomplishment for both – with the whole iGaming industry proceeding to deliver significantly more Asian-themed club games today.

Elvis Presley Pokie Game

The Elvis subject has reverberated with gambling club players for over 10 years with the Pop culture theme. The Lord of Rock ‘n’ Roll was additionally Las Vegas eminence with a record 636 successive sold-out shows at the Milestone and Las Vegas Hilton. IGT’s first Elvis opening, delivered in 2002, was a Mega jackpots game that highlighted his music while you played. It was an achievement by its own doing, however produced a line of replacement games that has conveyed the Ruler’s heritage straight up to the present.

The game that best mixes the sights and hints of the Presley time with a space game that is amusing to play is the Elvis reformist delivered on 2012. Reel images portray Elvis at various phases of his vocation. Also, there’s Elvis music. Bunches of Elvis music. There are four reformist bonanza levels, each named for an Elvis hit –

This slot game incorporates crypto currency in their betting experience, and the bitcoin wallet is the most prevalent. Australian gamblers can win bitcoin cash rewards whenever they make a successful bet.

Hall of Gods Slot

It was unavoidable to incorporate a NetEnt space in this rundown. The studio is known for being one of the most unique merchants in the business, and their games are amazingly staggering. Significantly more seasoned games like “Lobby of Divine beings” have phenomenal designs and activities.

Regardless of the way that the game was delivered in 2010, it is as yet going solid today. It depends on Norse folklore, and there are numerous divine beings, mythical beasts, cool Viking safeguards, and other fascinating images to be found. The interactivity ought to likewise not be ignored, as “Lobby of Divine beings” contains a great free twists include and a reformist big stake that can transform yourself in a moment. Hall of Gods gaming slot is a cryptocurrency zone where bitcoin cash can be used to pay and stake-to-play. The culture themed side of it makes gaming interesting, and gamers can enjoy this slot without a doubt.

Dragon’s Luck Slot Game

Dragon’s Luck is a crypto currency supporting slot that has gained much respect in the gambling industry. Antiquated Chinese culture has a wide-running impact that might be found in a few components of media and society. Mythical serpents are one component from old Chinese history that has had an effect. Mythical serpents are said to connote strength, influence, and favourable luck to the individuals who procure it in Chinese culture. In present day media, mythical serpents are an exceptionally famous amazing beast, and their ubiquity begins from the mythical beast’s emblematic importance in old Chinese culture.

In internet based gambling club games, mythical beasts are as often as possible shown. Mythical beast’s Karma is a bonanza opening game arranged in the mountains with two fire breathing winged serpents, one of which is folded over the mainstays of a paifang. Different pictures associated with antiquated China, similar to lotus blooms, brilliant carp, and lights, are often used in games with winged serpents.


Australian online casinos utilize television and film inferences, which gives off an impression of being ascending in routineness in games. This is something to be thankful for in light of the fact that it implies better games for both the pokie and the online casino players in Australia. On the off chance that you have a most loved TV program, chances are there is as of now a slot committed to it – if not, watch out. Apparently there will be something else to come. These pokies combine culture and cryptocurrency, and this creates a large market audience as gamers prefer such interactions.

Source: – Real money online casinos in Australia in 2022.

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Best Art Museums to Visit In San Francisco Tue, 07 Sep 2021 06:58:33 +0000 San Francisco is one of the places that you need to visit in your lifetime. It is...

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San Francisco is one of the places that you need to visit in your lifetime. It is a place that has many museums and features that are very good at preserving history. There are various museums that you can visit to get specific aspects such as arts, culture and military facts.

One of the museums that you will have some good time to visit are the art museums. They are many and each has its structure that makes it unique. Today we will talk about the various art museums that are found in San Francisco. Below are the specific art museums that you can enjoy time with your family and friends.

San Francisco museum of modern art

The museum has abbreviations as SFMOMA which makes one of the most famous destinations in San Francisco. You will love the combination of arts that make up the place. This is where you will find the largest wall in the United States and beautiful scenarios on the outdoors.

World class exhibitions are also found in this area as there are also the most beautiful terraces and gardens. The visitor who go to this place and are under 18 enter for free. The adults have to book tickets in advance.

You can also use the free guides and the content that is available online for tours. Various artistic works are found in this area and will make the viewers have good times. Visitors are welcome all the days of the week during the working hours

Legion of honor

Lgion of honor is another art place that you need to visit. It is one of the places that experiences great multitudes. One of the things that the people around enjoy is the way the management controls the crowds.

People gain interest from seeing the outside design and environment as it is enticing. To the inside you will find the best architectural works on the design. The art work is also very good as it has the proof to creativity and takes the most beautiful part of the city.

Several art items are also inside the museum with rooms that people can visit to see their favorite things. you will have a warm welcoming with the golden gate bridge.

Museum of the Asian art

Such art and culture are some of the things people aspire to see worldwide. San Francisco brings about the real image for the visitors who visit the place. You will get the cultures from various places such as panorama and the Philippines in this region. More of the things you will get are from turkey and China hence making it the best place for all visitors.

More than 18000 objects are found in the museum with each having a special inspiration. Monumental sculptures and arts are some of the things you will find in the area. Porcelains and paintings are some of the things you will have good times with. Moreover, bronze traditional furniture, arms and armor as some of the things that trend when it comes to visiting this site.

Greg Angelo museum

Authentic visitors to San Francisco will not miss a moment to visit the Greig Angelo museum. It looks like a funny and weird home and provides for a two-way experience. Part of the things you will have great moments with are the adventures. Riddle solving and immerse arts are some of the things that will bring the different experience in your visit.

There ais a garden that the youth can play and have moments with sensuality. It makes a perfect choice for the family and other outdoor dates. Both young people and the adults will not have disappointments when they visit this place as it provides places of rest and entertainment.

Cartoon art museum

Let us know this person who does not love cartoons so that we know a liar. Cartoons are not for children only as they serve multiple roles for both young people and adults. Comic strips, comic books and political cartoons are some of the things you will find in this museum.

Visitors have the chance to see the original and traditional cartoons. The museum is very good for organized class tours with intentions to get specific knowledge. The next generation storytellers and visual persons will get very good ideas when they visit the place.

Fort mason center

There are people who love visiting places because of the natural environment. Fort mason center is one of these places that people will have good times to visit and do their activities. It opens during the working hours and you will find the scene looking very good for your enjoyment.

The parts that you visit are good. For instance, the parking area is very good and the and the galleries are also very interesting. When you need a good meal then there is a place you will visit and have your meals. It is the best place for families and friends.

San Francisco art institute

If you want to visit the art schools you have the best option here. It is the oldest and employs the most creativity that makes the ideas of the child and the reasoning ability to grow. It also has a neighborhood that is full of artistic works.

The most acclaimed artists have undergone this school hence the quality and high-class artistic works. It also provides multiple ways to have enjoyment for the place. The structures in this place are full of inspiration for the artistic works.

International art museum of America

This one is not a very old museum since it was founded in 2011. It is a place that people visit with various intentions. If you need to have reflections or boost your understanding with regards to international affairs, this is the place to visit.

It is a museum that started by loaning the artifacts from other museums. For instance, 100 pieces came from the H.H Dorje for the start as he is known for having numerous awards. Having art works from various countries makes it one of the best to visit as it has the worldwide dimension.

The color factory

The color factory makes the best museum to visit for various services. It is more of a business complex as it has very many businesses that are operating under it. In terms of entertainment, it also makes the best choice as it features many entertaining joints and features.

The interesting bit of it is that even the service providers value the art works. If you visit the various departments, you will still get the enjoyable moments. You will also have an opportunity to buy the various art works from the place.


San Francisco is one of those places you need to ensure you don’t miss visiting. Consulting about the charges of visiting the various places is excellent. you can book in advance and choose to have a family or friends visit.

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Walt Disney Family Museum Sat, 01 May 2021 10:32:21 +0000 The Walt Disney Family Museum was opened in October 2009 at Presidio National Park in San Francisco, California, USA.

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The Walt Disney Family Museum was opened in October 2009 at Presidio National Park in San Francisco, California, USA.

Walt Disney is a famous American animator, film director, screenwriter, founder of the Walt Disney Company. He directed 111 films and produced 576 more films and won 26 Academy Awards. In 1968, Walt Disney was posthumously awarded the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest honor in the United States.

The Classic Animation Museum was founded by his daughter Diana Disney Miller. Here you can see an exposition of personal belongings, documents, a collection of cartoons, sketches of drawings for them, a Disneyland model and other exhibits. The building is full of modern equipment: 215 monitors for watching cartoons, sound equipment for listening to music for films, a cinema hall for 120 people. The museum’s expansive lobby displays 248 awards from Walt Disney.
The back wall of the museum is completely made of glass, which allows you to admire the views of the bay and the Golden Gate Bridge

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Museum of Contemporary Art Fri, 23 Apr 2021 10:42:34 +0000 The Museum of Modern Art in San Francisco, better known by the Latin abbreviation SFMOMA, can rightfully be called the main and most visited museum in the city.

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The Museum of Modern Art in San Francisco, better known by the Latin abbreviation SFMOMA, can rightfully be called the main and most visited museum in the city. In addition to the vast collection of works of art of the 19th and 21st centuries, numbering more than 29,000 works, the museum is notable for its ultra-modern building – it was designed by the famous Swiss architect Mario Botta. The futuristic structure of glass and concrete is surrounded by a vast park, which displays notable sculptures by contemporary American sculptors.

The collection of the Museum of Modern Art in San Francisco consists of four sections: painting and sculpture, photography, architecture and design, and media art. Among the presented masters are Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, Paul Klee, Rene Magritte, Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol. And in the media art section, you can get acquainted with installations and the history of interesting Internet projects.
Until 2017, the main building of the museum is under reconstruction and expansion; the exhibit is partially exhibited at three branches in San Francisco.

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Madame Tussauds museum Sun, 07 Mar 2021 10:48:51 +0000 Meeting a star … an unattainable dream? No longer, thanks to the world-famous Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum.

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Meeting a star … an unattainable dream? No longer, thanks to the world-famous Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum.

A bit of history

The history of the Madame Tussauds wax museum is more than 200 years old. It all started in Paris in 1770, where the founder of the museum, Marie Grosholtz – Tussauds, learned the intricacies of creating wax figures from her mentor, Dr. Philip Curtis, who was fond of wax figures. The first figures she created were Voltaire, Benjamin Franklin, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

In 1835 Madame Tussauds settled on Baker Street in London and opened her own wax museum. By the way, some of the figures created by her have survived to this day. Initially, the museum exhibited about 400 different figures. However, as a result of a fire in 1925 and bombing in 1941, most of the figures were destroyed. The oldest figure on display at Madame Tussauds in London is the figure of Marie Dubarry, the favorite of the French king Louis XVI.

Interestingly, in 1842 Madame Tussauds made her own figure, which is located to this day at the entrance to the museum in London.

Museum branches

Today there are 20 branches of Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum around the world. Among the exhibited figures you can find athletes, show business stars, politicians, members of royal families from different times and eras, and even famous killers, who are allocated a separate room of fear in a museum in London.

The locals who lived “Madame Tussauds” in San Francisco differ from the London version of the museum in their Americanism. If in London a museum is a tribute to officialdom, deliberate glamor, and social brilliance in the person of kings, prime ministers and presidents, then in the States Madame Tussauds is more earthy, but no less interesting.

Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum in San Francisco has unveiled a wax replica of the internet’s famous Grumpy Cat – which is actually not a cat, but a cat. As noted, the Angry Cat is the first of the feline family to be immortalized in Madame Tussaud’s. The work took the specialists four months, and the cat was made of fiberglass and silicon.

The cat, known on the Internet as Grumpy Cat, is famous for its unusual appearance – it always has a disgruntled expression on its face. The owners attribute this to her congenital dwarfism and malocclusion. The animal’s real name is Tardar Sauce; it was given because of the similarity in color to the tartar sauce, but it was recorded with an error.

Fame came to Tardar in the fall of 2012 after the owner’s brother posted a photo on Reddit with the caption “Meet the angry cat.” The image quickly spread across the web, and Tardar became the Internet meme “Grumpy Cat”. She was six months old at the time.

The popularity of the Angry Cat was so great that both the owner and her brother had to leave their previous jobs. Now they support the cat’s official website and social media pages, as well as attend various events. They were recently invited to Madame Tussauds to take measurements of the famous animal.

Interestingly, the wax figure will be able to perform multiple movements, as well as tour other Madame Tussaud’s galleries in the United States. The cat’s doll will move according to a predetermined program.

Note that “Angry Cat” named Tardar Sos is incredibly popular on the Internet: several hundred thousand subscribers follow the fate of the animal on social networks.

Don’t miss out on this unique and fun experience!

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De Young Museum Sat, 19 Dec 2020 10:38:36 +0000 De Young is a fine arts museum located in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, as well as the Legion of Honor.

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De Young is a fine arts museum located in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park, as well as the Legion of Honor. The de Jung Museum has been an integral part of the city’s cultural fabric and a cherished goal for millions of residents and visitors to the region for over 100 years.

On October 15, 2005, the Jung Museum reopened in a modern contemporary building that brings art, architecture and natural landscape together in one multi-faceted location that will inspire audiences from all over the world. Designed by renowned Swiss architecture firm Herzog & de Meuron and Fong & Chan Architects in San Francisco, the new de Young provided San Francisco with an iconic art museum to showcase the museum’s priceless collections of American art from the 17th to 20th century, textiles art and art of Africa, Oceania and North and South America.

De Young is named after its founder, early San Francisco newspaper magazine Max Hollin de Young. Since June 1, 2016, Max Holein has been Director and CEO of the Museums of Fine Arts of San Francisco, overseeing Youth and the Legion of Honor museums.


The Museum de Junay originated as a fine arts building that was built in Golden Gate Park for the California Midwinter International Exhibition in 1894. The organizing committee for the exposition was chaired by Michael H. de Young, co-founder of the Chronicle of San Francisco. The fine arts building was designed in a pseudo-European Renaissance style and decorated with images of Hathor, the goddess of the cow. After the exhibition, the building was named a museum for the residents of San Francisco. Over the years, de Young has grown from an allure originally designed to temporarily house an eclectic collection of exotic quirks and curiosity in a cutting-edge museum in the western United States that focuses on American art, international textile arts and costume, and the art of the ancient Americas , Oceania and Africa.

The new Memorial Museum has been successful since its opening on March 25, 1895. No admission was shown, and most of what was put up for auction was purchased from the exhibits at the exhibition. Eleven years after the museum opened, the great 1906 earthquake caused extensive damage to the Midwinter Fair building, forcing it to close for a year and a half for renovations.

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