Palace of the Legion of Honor

Palace of the Legion of Honor

California Palace of the Legion of Honor sits atop the Lands End in the Richmond area and is one of the finest museums in California. This building in San Francisco is an exact replica of the Palace of the Legion of Honor in Paris. It was completed in 1924 as a memorial to the Californian soldiers who died in the First World War.

The first and most famous exhibit of the museum, Rodin’s The Thinker, stands in the courtyard. This bronze statue was acquired along with other sculptures by Rodin that are now on display here.
The permanent collections are: antiquities from the Middle East, European painting of the 14th century, prints and drawings, porcelain from England and France of the 18th century, as well as special exhibitions are regularly held here.
In addition to exhibitions, the Palace of the Legion of Honor offers lectures, musical performances, film screenings, and special events (can be found on the official website).

Author: Benjamin